

LIV.IN REAL ESTATE We present to you one of the best design services in Indonesia: I. INTRODUCTION      1.1 Background             The rapid development of the times makes us required to adjust to the situation, as well as human resources. Competent and resilient human resources are needed in the industrial world. Currently, Indonesia itself is still trying to improve human resources in order to compete with developed countries.                 In this practical and modern era, especially in the world of building modeling design has developed quite rapidly. This can be seen from the increasingly unique and varied building designs. The combination of modern and traditional designs is increasingly being found and the demand is increasing. Increasingly, more and more business people feel the importance of design services to help create buildings that are comfortable to live in.  ...


JOB  APPLICATION LETTER Hello everyone !! Welcome back to my blog !  Pada kesempatan kali ini, aku mau kasih tau gimana sih caranya nulis job application letter itu. Yash, tentang surat lamaran. Surat ini penting banget nih buat kalian yang mau lamar pekerjaan. How to make it? It is simple guy. So, langsung simak aja yuk!  1. Definition of Job Application Letter A job application letter is a document sent along with a CV or resume to apply for a job. This  document summarizes the applicant's competencies, abilities and experience that are  relevant to the  position or job being applied for. 2. Purpose of Job Application Letter The purpose of this letter is to serve as a job application letter for the CV or resume sent  to the  recruiter. In addition, this letter also serves as an additional document that clarifies  what the  applicant's experience and skills are like in a narrative way for the recruiter to  understand better. 3. Str...


 TODAY'S REFLECTION Hai guys !!  Hari ini aku mau bagiin refleksi belajar aku saat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. So, let's get started ! Ehem, I hope you don't feel bored with my blog :)  Today's learning reflection:                                     Group presentation of the mind map that was assigned in the previous meeting.With group assignments, we are trained to work together in teams and cohesiveness in teams. Reading out the results of our thoughts about the future job we want. This also trains confidence, mentality, and preannounce. Discussing together the exercises given, and trying to answer them. Even if it is wrong, this also trains your courage to express your opinion. My Future Dream Job  9 years ago, when I was in the second grade of elementary school, I thought about becoming an architect. However, it was just a fleeting thought at the time. I tried to explore m...


 SCHOOL EVENT HELLO EVERYONE !!! Welcome back to my blog !  Hahaha udah lama banget rasanya gak ngisi blog. So, kali ini aku akan bagiin pengalaman aku selama aku lihat akresi . Ini adalah penampilan yang aku tunggu-tunggu dari semua ekstrakulikuler yang menampilkan penampilan terbaiknya. Etsss, walaupun ekskul ini jadi penampilan yang paling aku tunggu, TAPI ekskul-ekskul lain juga gak kalah bagus lho.  Langsung aja yuk lihat keseruan aku lihat akresi dari mereka. Happy reading !!! BEST PERFORMANCE OF PASKIBRA BELA NEGARA Today (21/7) is the last day of the introduction to the school environment for all grade 10 students. As a closing event, SMK N 4 Semarang held AKRESI (Student Creativity Event) from each of the extracurricular activities in the school. Each of them prepared everything in order to attract the attention of the 10th grade students. One of the most anticipated performances was that of PASKIBRA BELA NEGARA SMK N 4 Semarang.  PASKIBRA BELA NEGARA is one...

Apa itu kuesioner dalam Bahasa Inggris?

 UNDERSTANDING QUESTIONNAIRE Wellcome back guys !! Ketemu lagi nih guys sama aku. Gimana kabar kalian guys?  I hope you guys are doing well. So, let's start understanding the questionnaire with me !! 1. Definition of questionnaire      Questionnaire is a data collection technique that is done by giving a set of      questions or written statements to respondents to answer.  2. Social function of questionnaire     -  To collect information for the preparation of permanent record      -  To ensure the validity of information obtained by other methods     -  To make an evaluation of the guidance program     -  To sample the attitudes or opinions of respondents  3. Sample of a questionnaire   Search: 4. Expressions and sentence used in questionnaire       -    Always and never options   ...