Hai guys !!
Hari ini aku mau bagiin refleksi belajar aku saat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. So, let's get started !
Ehem, I hope you don't feel bored with my blog :)
Today's learning reflection:
- Group presentation of the mind map that was assigned in the previous meeting.With group assignments, we are trained to work together in teams and cohesiveness in teams.
- Reading out the results of our thoughts about the future job we want. This also trains confidence, mentality, and preannounce.
- Discussing together the exercises given, and trying to answer them. Even if it is wrong, this also trains your courage to express your opinion.
My Future Dream Job
9 years ago, when I was in the second grade of elementary school, I thought about becoming an architect. However, it was just a fleeting thought at the time. I tried to explore myself, looking for my interests and talents. Until finally I chose to become an architect.
While becoming an architect was only a fleeting thought, nowadays becoming an architect is something that I dream of. My desire to become an architect is so high. Choosing to enter vocational school made me understand the basics of construction. Architect became my choice, because I wanted to channel my ideas through interior or exterior buildings. I am determined that one day I will definitely become an architect, which has been my dream for a long time.
This is my result for today. Thanks for your visiting, and see u on the next post !!!
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