TODAY'S REFLECTION Hai guys !! Hari ini aku mau bagiin refleksi belajar aku saat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. So, let's get started ! Ehem, I hope you don't feel bored with my blog :) Today's learning reflection: Group presentation of the mind map that was assigned in the previous meeting.With group assignments, we are trained to work together in teams and cohesiveness in teams. Reading out the results of our thoughts about the future job we want. This also trains confidence, mentality, and preannounce. Discussing together the exercises given, and trying to answer them. Even if it is wrong, this also trains your courage to express your opinion. My Future Dream Job 9 years ago, when I was in the second grade of elementary school, I thought about becoming an architect. However, it was just a fleeting thought at the time. I tried to explore m...